Cattle Dogs

Basic Dog Diseases

Both dogs and humans face many challenges during their lifetimes. One of the normal problems each must face is disease. There are ways to avoid many of the serious health issues facing you. You can also help you to bypass more of the serious diseases. In both instances, the answer is vaccination.

Vets are rethinking how frequently you should allow your pet to receive shots. They have decreased the frequency. What has not altered is urging you to vaccinate your dog. Sometimes, you are not given a choice. This is often true with rabies shots. It is often mandatory in some urban areas. This article continues where the first part left on. It looks at 4 other common diseases: Kennel Cough, Leptospirosis, Parvovirus and Rabies

Kennel Cough

Kennel cough is actually canine infectious tracheobronchitis. It may be viral and/or bacterial in its origins. Kennel cough infects the upper respiratory tract. While highly infectious, this problem is not life threatening. However, ignoring it may result in more severe problems. Moreover, kennel cough may be a symptom of something more serious.
Kennel cough can be treated. Antibiotics are commonly used to combat the disease. There are a variety of available remedies. You can use home remedies, natural cures or obtain antibiotics from your Vet.


Leptospirosis is bacterial in origin. It affects the kidneys and liver of your dog. He or she can “catch” it from drinking contaminated water. The disease causing bacterium enters the blood stream then spreads into the system. It may stay in the body for a while, being shed in the urine even while the dog fights off the disease.

Leptospirosis is a challenge to dog owners and Vets alike. There are several strains that may cause the disease. A vaccination may offer protection against only 1 type of leptospirosis and leave the dog prey to others. Preventive action, including watching what your dog drinks, is required. Vaccinations are recommended for dogs st high risk, but never at less than 8 weeks of age.

Your dog can survive an attack of leptospirosis. Penicillin or their derivatives are usually employed. Depending upon the causal bacteria, the dog may or may not risk suffering liver damage and liver disease.


This is a relatively new disease confronting dogs. It is a relative of feline distemper. The most common target is puppies. It is, however, highly dangerous for dogs of all ages.
Interestingly enough, some breeds are more prone and suffer more severe cases than others.
This includes Doberman Pinschers, Labrador Retrievers, Pitbull types and Rottweilers.

There are different types of parvovirus. The type that affects the heart is instantly fatal. Other forms demand hospitalization. This ensures the dog receives the proper treatment. This includes intravenous fluids.

A dog with parvovirus cannot be cured. Antibiotics can help the animal recover. There may or may not be ill effects. It depends upon the strength of your dog’s immune system. The best cure is to vaccinate your dog against the disease.


Rabies is a viral disease. It is invariably fatal. It is indicated by changes in the dog’s behavior. Rabies strikes the central nervous system. It is spread by saliva contact, including bites and licking of open wounds or cuts.
There is no treatment for rabies. If your dog catches rabies, he or she will die. There is an alternative. Make sure your dog receives a rabies shot.


Disease is a part of life. Human or dog, there are health issues that will create problems. Yet, there are ways to avoid being sick. A proper diet and exercise helps. Making sure you have a strong immune system is another way to combat disease. Yet, there are times when these measures are not enough. If you truly want to protect your canine, there is only one thing to do. Vaccinate your animal against the diseases that could end their life once and for all.

Article provided by Sally Jones of Oh My Dog Supplies, check out our cool collection of dog seat covers online.