Cattle Dogs

Why Use A Vet?

The most important figure in your dog or puppy’s life, after you, is his Vet. This is true for a number of very good reasons. While you take care of the day-to-day health matters, it is up to your vet to oversee the larger picture. It is your Vet who handles the health matters you cannot attend to. It is your Vet who is there to guide you through many of the unseen problems your dog’s physical form may face in life. It is also the Vet who can look at your dog and praise you for how good a life you are providing him or her.

Reasons For Having A Vet

There are many good reasons why you need a Vet in your dog’s life. Below are just a few of them

1. The Initial Examination. This is when your dog first gets to meet the Vet. It is when you and your pet begin a pattern. It is sometimes where you find out whether your dog has any health problems.

This is a crucial visit for both you and your dog. You discover whether your dog has any signs of illness or health issues. You Vet is there to guide you through the possible need to consider certain matters. These include optimum food and any preventive health care. The Vet helps you and your dog get a good start in your life together.

2. The Annual Checkup. This check up is crucial to keeping your dog healthy. The annual check up is a review of the dog’s health over the year. If the Vet has not seen the dog since the initial examination, it is time to ensure the animal is healthy.

An annual check up provides you with the time to express any health concerns or psychological issues. If you have chosen widely, your Vet will listen carefully and help to clarify any questions or concerns you might have. An annual check up is also a time to find out about your dog’s weight. Obesity is a major problem among dogs. Your Vet can explain the extent of the weight gain or loss and the effects.
He or she can also discuss what you can do to correct any of the resultant problems. This may involve increased exercise or special diets.

3. Vaccinations. As part of the annual check up or separate, your dog will receive its annual shots. Your Vet is there to make sure your dog’s shots are up-to-date and suited to the area. In addition to the Rabies/Parvo combination, your Vet may suggest such things as Heartworm medication.

4. Dental care. Taking care of your dog’s teeth is another good reason to have a Vet. Not everyone does or needs to take their dog to the Vet’s for this reason. There are, however, instances when a Vet is the dog’s dentist. A Vet will clean teeth and remove infected ones.

5. Emergencies. A Vet is where you turn to when your dog has suffered from a severe problem. In emergency situations you cannot handle, you rely on your Vet to make sure your dog is taken care of. Your Vet is there to help you and your dog through the run-in with the porcupine or after he or she tangles and loses with a car.

6. Parasites. When your best friend gets worms or is covered with fleas and ticks, you need a Vet. Vets have treatments for your dog that effectively battle them. Over- the-counter remedies are not formulated to deal with many infestations as quickly and completely as those you can purchase from a Vet.

7. Elder Care. When your dog becomes a senior, you may call upon a Vet more frequently. There are different concerns with elder dogs. Your Vet can guide you through some of those difficult days. He or she can provide you with information on those lumps and help you deal with your dog’s arthritis.

8. Euthanasia. A good Vet is there with you at the beginning. He or she is also there at the end. Whether it is from an accident, a disease, or old age, your Vet can help you and your dog cross the final bridge.

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