Cattle Dogs

Proper Nutrition for Puppies

Puppies play, eat and defecate. They love to chew on a wide variety of objects. Some of them, you actually agree they should be chewing. Puppies chew to work on their teeth. It helps them develop healthy and strong jaws. Puppies also chew every time they eat - even the ones that seem to inhale their food.
To keep a puppy healthy and happy, you need to feed them the right kind of food. It should provide them with a balanced nutritional diet. It should cater to their specific demands.
It should taste good - or at least appeal to their sense buds. It should also be food specifically designed with puppies in mind. Puppies require puppy and not dog food to mature into healthy and strong dogs.

Basic Types Of Dog Food

Puppy dog food consists of 2 basic types. These are dry and moist. Moist food is soft. Although sometimes it comes in a packet, it is usually canned. Moist food is attractive to most dogs. It has, for them, a wonderful aroma. It also consists predominantly of water.

Moist food may create dental issues if fed exclusively to your animal. It can become caught in teeth. While usually nutritionally good for your canine, it should never be fed as a complete diet. Not only is it not a wise health decision to do so, it is also a costly choice.

Dry dog food should always predominate. It is usually only 10% moisture compared to the 75% found in canned or moist food. Not only is it cheaper than canned food, it may be healthier for your dog. Dry food can act as a teeth cleaner. Soft food does not. It may even act in a contrary fashion.

Dry food has other advantages. It keeps longer and does not require refrigeration. Dry dog food is also higher in a necessary demand of your dog’s system - fiber. Fiber helps your dog eliminate its food in a timely and healthy fashion.
Specific Needs of Puppies

Puppies require food with high protein levels. Protein is required to help build their muscles. Protein is necessary for a healthy immune system. Protein also has a digestive and hormonal function. Furthermore, it aids in both nutrient and oxygen transportation.

Calcium is something else your puppy needs to absorb in specific amounts. The dog food must contain sufficient amounts to prevent a calcium deficiency. Calcium must not also be taken in excessive amounts. Both excessive and deficient amounts of calcium intake produce bone malformation and/or development. A puppy needs balance for proper skeletal structural growth.

Certain breeds of puppies also require special puppy food. Most breeders agree that regular puppy food is not sufficient for giant or large breed dogs. It is too high in fat and may contain too much calcium. The options are either a specifically formulated type of dry dog food or adult maintenance food.


Puppies require more feeding than an adult dog. This does not necessarily refer to amounts.
It indicates the number of times you need to feed a puppy. While an adult dog may be fed once or twice a day, you need to feed a puppy several small meals a day. Moreover, an adult may or may not be able to receive their food through “free-choice.” Puppies cannot.

If you allow puppies free choice, they will eat incessantly. A puppy allowed ongoing access to food may also obtain improper amounts of the required nutrition. You must control the amount of nutrients and energy a puppy takes in. Doing so will not only prevent several health issues but also preserve your sanity.


Raising puppies involves understanding the nutritional needs of your canine at this stage of life. You can talk to your vet and/or breeder about dietary requirements. You can add to your knowledge of what goes into the food. Ask yourself whether the food you are feeding your dog is good for him or her at this stge of their life. If you have any doubts, talk to your vet, breeder or pet food retailer. If you wish to take complete control, read up on the subject and make your own dog food.

Article written by Linda Plant of, the top store to find small dog costumes online.