Cattle Dogs

How to Remove a Tick

You have to give ample attention to your dog ones ticks attach on its skin. This can pose threat to your dog, other animals, and even to you. Ticks attached to the dog's skin can cause irritation and pain and could even pass on diseases. Many people do not know what to do with these ticks and leaving them on the dog will only heighten the risk of infection.

There are many dangerous and ineffective methods of removing ticks that have been passed on by older generations. But these methods just won't work. One of this is burning the tick off. This could also mean getting your dog burned. This a dangerous method you should never attempt to use.

Smothering your dog with grease is another method that won't work but cause more harm instead. Your dog will only lick the grease off and this is not good especially if the grease is toxic.

What you need to do to properly remove the tick is to know what it you have to accomplish. And in this case, your goal is to get rid of those ticks. Doing this is simple but you need to consider some things. It is important that you clean the area and keep it sterile when removing the tick so as not to raise the risk of infection. Make sure that you remove the tick completely from the skin especially the head. More problems and serious infections can arise when you haven't removed the head of the tick.

You can use tweezers to pull the tick from the skin but be sure to sterilize your tweezers by dipping them in alcohol. The area where the tick hangs from should also be sterilized with alcohol. Wet a ball of cotton with alcohol to use in sterilizing the area. When you are done with sterilizing, pull the tick with your tweezers as close to the skin as possible. Remember to remove it completely along with the head. Putting pressure around the area where you can find the tick will make the tick to let go of the skin making removal much easier.

Get rid of the tick by dipping it into the alcohol and then dispose of it outside your home. It is important that you clean the area once you're done removing the tick.

Tick removal is not really a problem as long as you keep important things in mind: Keep your tool and the area clean and sterile before and after the removal and completely remove the tick making sure not to leave the head. This will surely make your dog feel better.

Content provided by Wally Morrison – for more dog information by Wally, see the recent topics on dog carriers & dog training info.